Infancy is the best ...
Don't you think so .....I feel that way ....that infancy is the best phase ....I mean it is so beautiful ...don't get me wrong, toddlers are no less interesting ....I have one of my own, and I know .....their actions, their dialogues, their questions ...expressions .....stories..narrations .....yes yes yes ....without doubt, toddlers are a never ending source of fun, entertainment n joy n sometimes, they are the only reason why in our mundane day-to-day life, we get to burst in laughter all of a sudden or giggle endlessly or just have pure fun which otherwise is restricted to only jokes in the sitcoms or an occassional fwded email ..... they are like a LIVE Comedy Channel that turns on or off on its own :)) ...

But infancy has its own beauty to which nothing can be compared .......I get this really wonderful warm fuzzy feeling when I am with my baby ...when I hug him close or lie next to him ....that beautiful toothless smile of his ...or the way he stares at me with those innocent twinkling eyes ....who says babies have a short attention span?? ...he can spend several moments simply looking at me gawd ....even as I write this, there are butterflies in my stomach & a beat racing in my heart........I am not exaggerating at all just feels sooooo good ....he reaches up to my face with his chubby hands n strokes my face ....his tiny fingers feel so soft n loving !!!!! ....seriously, if there is anything called Unconditional Love, then I hereby declare - this is it !!! I am his world ...nothing in this world matters to him when Mommy is around ...he has to come and be with me....when my arms are wrapped around him tight n cosy, only then does he think of anything else baby n I can spend several hours just being with each other..........v don't need any toys or music or any other kind of distraction .....just me n him .......staring into each other eyes, saying things that the other doesnt understand :) .......cuddling ...making each other laugh ..... *** pure unadulterated happiness *** truly hurts me to think that my baby will grow up soon and I have to face competition with his toys or books or games ....I sooooo wish I can freeze these moments and enjoy them all over again and again and again .....

Shreyu darling, dont get upset when you read this ra .....I enjoyed the same way with u too ra when u were this teeny cute little baby.......actually lots more I should say.....coz then there was no one else and u got my complete undivided attention alllll the time ....
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