#BeingAMom #Multitasking #SuperMom
The title says it all :) But when I look back at this post decades later, I need all the crazy little details to savor and be proud of myself all over again :) .....
Hopefully, probably, maybe you'll excuse my bragging with that over-the-top title when/if you read the entire post :)
This is one of those crazy weeks where multiple things happen all at once...not a rarity but I never seem to recall what fills up these crazy weeks ... So, decided to blog a sample for my own sake :)
WARNING! this post is a COMPLETE DRAG ....like a bad documentary, with very little chance for entertainment :) ...so read on, only if you have nothing else to do :) ....well, curious sorts will make time :-p
... Ishaan's first baseball, I mean his Tee ball starts this week ...which means a weekday practice and a weekend game added into the mix! And wait, also came to know this weekend that I have to buy all the baseball uniform related stuff for their opening game and official photo session before this Saturday.
....An unplanned Ugadhi dance begins for me, Shreyu and Ishaan in this week as well....n their practice timings are not known till the last minute ...
.... Tee ball practice turns out to be at the same time as Friday's Tae Kwondo, so first admin job for me for this week : hunt for a new time for Tae Kwondo, making sure that the class ratio still remains good....which means looking up on their website is not enough but needs my personal syncing up with the school admin guys.
....... The hunt for alternate TKD closes with all the available options handy, but the decision making is halted until I know the new dance times for the kids....
....Dance times turn out to be Tuesdays at 7 for the kiddos....so confirmed the new time for TKD on Wednesdays at 6:00pm.....
..If only the class shuffling ended there, nope! No such luck! There is a second session for dances on Saturday afternoons ...which means a reschedule of their swim class..... Phew!
....So, another hunt begins for an alternate swim class ...this one is way harder hunt ... Coz it's not easy to match the wonderful 1:1 ratio in a group swim class that they go to now....so spent 15 min in the swim school with the director collecting the data of all the available swim classes and their current ratios.... Had to come up with instant short hand code to write down the various options as he was merciless in the speed with which he gave me the info! Another element thrown in the mix is the now available new choice of moving Kutti to pre-competitive level, which comes with it's own special timings for evaluation, and classes too. With these multiple aspects involved, for now, I let the swim decision hanging in the air. For the record, it's Tuesday night now, so got a couple more days to decide ....
The craziness doesn't end there ..there's much more ...on Friday evening this week, Ishaan has his Mommy-son dance at school at 6:30pm ....and if you remember, he also has his very first Teeball practice on this Friday from 5 to 6pm. What does that mean? C'mon, think! it's easy to guess.... Rush him home immediately after the practice, put his clothes on, get some few shots clicked as quick as we can (amidst my likely-to-be-cranky babies' tantrums, one who will be cranky with exhaustion, and the other one will be cranky coz she's not coming to the dance!!) and then we both rush together to the school for the dance! Thank God, Balu is the assistant tcoach, so while Ishaan is out on the field hitting some balls(hopefully!), I can come home and get dressed for the dance and be ready to dress him up as soon as he comes home! Dressing......Oh my, that reminds me ......outfits?? This is no ordinary dance - it's a dance in the 80's style!! So, I need to put together some 80's style dresses for both him and me.....another PHEW!! I already did look up what that style looks like for women, now its a matter of buying(really?? time??) or gathering pieces to style myself.........Ishaan's outfit is much more difficult to put together though....where will I find baggy pants for a 5 yr old boy in this era??? .....so there, some work pending for this task! And I gotto take this task seriously because there are professional photographs involved at school, and that explains the gravity of the right outfit issue :) ...
So, like I said, it's Tuesday today, and the kiddos had their first dance practice. Tuesday being tuesday, we have the piano class for Shreyu at 6:30pm, don't we? Piano at 6:30pm, kids dance practice at 7pm to 8:30pm in Sunnyvale, my dance at 9:00pm in Milpitas.....this multiple-timing-multiple-location-equation needed some serious sorting out to do between Balu and I. Finally, we decided to do it this way - Balu drives over to Cupertino from Sunnyvale, picks up Shreyu, takes her back to Sunnyvale for her piano class, and then immediately comes to the dance practice; In parallel, I will pick up Ishaan from Sunnyvale, come home in Cupertino, and drive him to the dance class in Sunnyvale. And as it turns out, my drive did not get limited to this equation - a couple more detours got added to it : 1) the library : coz I had this book, "Mask of Sanity" being held for me at the library, and today is the last day to pick it up, so I had no choice but to stop by the library today [this book is supposed to fill the void created in my life with the watching 8 seasons of Dexter on Netflix came to an end, 96 episodes covered in a matter of 2 months or so... so you see it's quite an important book :)]. Second, it so happens that Sports Basement is right opposite the dance school, so to avoid another trip down the same lane, I decided to stop by the store to get the baseball outfit before we head over to the dance (to improve efficiency, called the store prior to the stop to make sure they had everything I need).
With all these detours involved, we barely had time when we got home .....here's some annoying details: went to Ishaan's school to pick him up at 5:15pm, waited till 5:25pm for him to finish his rainbow art , then the boy wanted to play hide n seek in the yard with me and I, of course, gave in to his silly wish, and played along till 5:35pm :), reached home at 5:55pm, gave him cookies for snack (attempts at fruit skipped today), made chocolate milk for him, made and drank tea myself, made some more chocolate milk for Kutti & found a thermos to put it in, packed a water bottle for myself, and rushed out of the house at 6:20pm......
Pit stop at the library ....
2nd detour at the sports store to pick up his royal blue belt and socks, also got him fitted for the cleats (picked up soccer cleats for reuse) and the baseball glove and the baseball pants ...and a size 5 soccer ball coz he wanted one:)
.....and finally made it to the dance school at 7:15pm....accidentally parked in the disabled parking spot :(, and dashed into the class with him, where I see Kutti & Balu already waiting for us.....Shreyu came running to me to tell me that Ms.Neyman was super happy with her piano practice, and that she was awarded 2 candies for doing a good job:) .....after giving her hugs and high-fives, handed over the thermos to her, and she was thrilled to find the milk still warm .....and then finally, I took a breath from all the mad rush to just stand n simply watch the little ones dance away !!! the peace did not last for long though, coz soon Shreyu began to whine that she did not want to join the dance class .........some coaxing went through, and she agreed to give it a try for one class ...by this time, Ishaan's class gets over, and then she goes in for her practice .....things did slow down at this point :) ...thankfully :) ....I chatted a bit with other parents ...and then we headed over to Swathi tiffins in the same complex to have our dinner of Idli and Sambhar!! Before the order came through, I picked up a few things from the attached grocery store (time efficiency :-p), and finished the shopping just in time before the idlis came through. Ate my dinner at leisure, while proudly watching Ishaan eat the idlis dipped in Sambhar all by himself for the very first time :))
....at 8:30pm, we picked up Shreyu ....who thankfully liked the class and declared, "OK, Mamma, I think I wanna go to the dance class, but not on Tuesdays, coz after the piano class, I am wiped out, so put me on a different day" ....Balu & I chuckled at the "wiped out" part :) :)....with relief in my heart, I made her some empty promises of finding a new dance class timing, n drove off to my dance class, while the kids went home with Balu after giving me my goodnight kisses and hugs!! Danced there till 10:15pm, and then drove all the 18 miles back and finally settled here with my Mac typing this post away :)) ....oh wait, did I tell ya, on the drive back, I initiated and finished formulating a plan for a Tahoe trip this coming weekend after the tee ball game :) :)
I really, really needed to write all this down :) and thank God, I did :) ..it's therapeutic :)....and for the record, I function very, very well under pressure! That's given :) :)
The craziness doesn't end there ..there's much more ...on Friday evening this week, Ishaan has his Mommy-son dance at school at 6:30pm ....and if you remember, he also has his very first Teeball practice on this Friday from 5 to 6pm. What does that mean? C'mon, think! it's easy to guess.... Rush him home immediately after the practice, put his clothes on, get some few shots clicked as quick as we can (amidst my likely-to-be-cranky babies' tantrums, one who will be cranky with exhaustion, and the other one will be cranky coz she's not coming to the dance!!) and then we both rush together to the school for the dance! Thank God, Balu is the assistant tcoach, so while Ishaan is out on the field hitting some balls(hopefully!), I can come home and get dressed for the dance and be ready to dress him up as soon as he comes home! Dressing......Oh my, that reminds me ......outfits?? This is no ordinary dance - it's a dance in the 80's style!! So, I need to put together some 80's style dresses for both him and me.....another PHEW!! I already did look up what that style looks like for women, now its a matter of buying(really?? time??) or gathering pieces to style myself.........Ishaan's outfit is much more difficult to put together though....where will I find baggy pants for a 5 yr old boy in this era??? .....so there, some work pending for this task! And I gotto take this task seriously because there are professional photographs involved at school, and that explains the gravity of the right outfit issue :) ...
So, like I said, it's Tuesday today, and the kiddos had their first dance practice. Tuesday being tuesday, we have the piano class for Shreyu at 6:30pm, don't we? Piano at 6:30pm, kids dance practice at 7pm to 8:30pm in Sunnyvale, my dance at 9:00pm in Milpitas.....this multiple-timing-multiple-location-equation needed some serious sorting out to do between Balu and I. Finally, we decided to do it this way - Balu drives over to Cupertino from Sunnyvale, picks up Shreyu, takes her back to Sunnyvale for her piano class, and then immediately comes to the dance practice; In parallel, I will pick up Ishaan from Sunnyvale, come home in Cupertino, and drive him to the dance class in Sunnyvale. And as it turns out, my drive did not get limited to this equation - a couple more detours got added to it : 1) the library : coz I had this book, "Mask of Sanity" being held for me at the library, and today is the last day to pick it up, so I had no choice but to stop by the library today [this book is supposed to fill the void created in my life with the watching 8 seasons of Dexter on Netflix came to an end, 96 episodes covered in a matter of 2 months or so... so you see it's quite an important book :)]. Second, it so happens that Sports Basement is right opposite the dance school, so to avoid another trip down the same lane, I decided to stop by the store to get the baseball outfit before we head over to the dance (to improve efficiency, called the store prior to the stop to make sure they had everything I need).
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Striking a baseball pose ... |
Pit stop at the library ....
2nd detour at the sports store to pick up his royal blue belt and socks, also got him fitted for the cleats (picked up soccer cleats for reuse) and the baseball glove and the baseball pants ...and a size 5 soccer ball coz he wanted one:)
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Getting his cleats fitted |
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Eating on his own |
I really, really needed to write all this down :) and thank God, I did :) ..it's therapeutic :)....and for the record, I function very, very well under pressure! That's given :) :)
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